
From the empathetic heart of I AM ENOUGH creator, Sherry Garner, emerges an inspiring, independent production company with a vision to infuse hope into the Canadian mental health narrative through storytelling and song. 

From the empathetic heart of I AM ENOUGH creator, Sherry Garner, emerges an inspiring, independent production company with a vision to infuse hope into the Canadian mental health narrative through storytelling and song. 

Recognizing an urgent need for transformation in the mental health arena, Coffee Talk Theatre Productions launched in March 2023 to produce creative works from Canadians with experience fighting the personal struggle and cultural stigma of mental health disorders. 

Coffee Talk Theatre Productions offers a unique platform for triumph over the shame and misunderstanding associated with mental illness. By bringing true stories to the stage, we give voice to the unspoken and shine light on the unseen. In sharing and in listening, we foster connection, compassion and the opportunity for collective healing.

What sets Coffee Talk Theatre Productions apart is what happens after the curtain drops. We produce more than performances. Mental wellness must be addressed in conversation. Our holistic format incorporates panel discussions with artists, mental health professionals and community specialists. As the fourth wall breaks, we shatter separation and invite deeper dialogue to process the shared experience. Audiences are invited to ask “what now?” and leave the auditorium with answers, with hope.